Monday, May 14, 2012

Reset- Day 1

Bah! Ive just endured two weeks of body chaos. Hot on the heels of my severe abdominal pain I had a tooth abcess which rivaled that pain and had to go have emergency dental surgery done. Im watching my money slide into the drain quick....all over pain and health issues.
Today I finally got to see my doctor in regards to the mysterious abdominal pains.
He wanted to do a sonogram but since I don't have insurance or much money I can't. So his sage and cost effective advice was....get back on birth control pills to stop the ovulation and therefore stop the pain.
His examination found a small cyst on my right ovary. Apparently this kind of cyst is benign and small. He didn't feel any swelling or other problematic things a large growth or anything like that.
When the cyst fills with fluid- that is when it hurts and hurts for two weeks until the fluid is dispersed.
So my goal now is to eat to shrink the cyst...hopefully it will die and go away.
Doctor doesn't think I have PCOS by the simple reason I am still having "normal" periods.....ew, girl stuff!
My thoughts on this....all very well and good that the birth control will stop the pain. It stopped it before. But it is a MASK for the real problem....why do I have a cyst in the first place and how do I get rid of it, not hide it?  So dietary changes are the next route and lots of exercise and less stressing. Stressing makes everything worse.
So in a nutshell, nothing I didn't already know but the term "PCOS" doesnt apply to me....right now....supposedly. This thing takes a lot of effort and time (and money) to get properly diagnosed. For now Im going on the knowledge that I have one corpus luteum cyst on my right ovary and I need to revamp my diet and get on stupid birth control pills again.
Wish me luck.
Found a good link for herbs that are supposed to help:

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